With MyMulticard you can subscribe the commercial offers related to Multicard and Multicard Easy. And if
you use Multicards to refuel in Germany, you can also get them in digital form!
And your PIN also becomes digital: you can generate a new one every time you want to validate
purchases made with your physical or virtual card.
Are you a new customer with up to three vehicles? You can enioy the Multicard
Easy offer on-line and receive your card and secret PIN directly at the address you indicate.
And if you activate the
MyMulticard Digital Services you will get your card and digital PIN even quicker. If you are interested to
advantage of the Multicard
commercial offer, get more information in the dedicated section.
Already a Multicard, Multicard Easy customer? Enter MyMulticard and activate the Digital
Services immediately!
MyMulticard is your reserved area where you can manage your cards and contract and:
- Block your cards in real time (24/7) and request replacements and/or additional ones
- Download your invoices in pdf format
- Change your personal data and update details on your cards
- Download the transaction details of all your cards
- Also enable drivers and users to access the MyMulticard User Reserved Area and make
purchases via App
- Modify and request Online Services
- View your commercial conditions and download the contractual documents
- View your requests status